Chicago-area Enneagram Workshop

The Enneagram is a personalty tool that diagnoses your weaknesses as well as your strengths. I’ve found it an especially helpful spiritual growth tool. If you live in the Chicago area and are at all interested, Jessie and Alice run a great workshop.

Read about the Enneagram here.

The Enneagram: A Tool for Transformation, has 35 registrants, but there’s still room for a few more. If you plan to attend, please register this week. The workshop is Sat., Mar. 17 from 9 am to 3 pm. Alice Fryling and Jessie Vicha will be the facilitators for the workshop which will be held at the First Presbyterian Church of Glen Ellyn, 550 N. Main Street in Glen Ellyn, Ill. Cost is $50 and includes lunch and a workbook. To register, send an email to Cinda Siligmueller.

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